
❝I had a HUGE breakthrough around money: I’ve been working really hard to clean up my money crap (internal and external: clearing old limiting beliefs, clearing debt . . .) and even though I’ve been doing this work for years, I could still feel some straggling bits. I went to see Kim Forcina and she plucked the last little bit out of me. I could actually feel it go. Over the next two days, I made over $5000 dollars.❞
Amanda Elo’Esh
Founder, Living Wisdom School

❝I had a HUGE breakthrough around money: I’ve been working really hard to clean up my money crap (internal and external: clearing old limiting beliefs, clearing debt . . .) and even though I’ve been doing this work for years, I could still feel some straggling bits. I went to see Kim Forcina and she plucked the last little bit out of me. I could actually feel it go. Over the next two days, I made over $5000 dollars.❞
Amanda Elo’Esh
Founder, Living Wisdom School
❝Working with Kim Forcina is a deep journey inward where old hurts & pains can be released and new hopes, dreams, and intentions get created. My time with Kim allowed me to get to the root of my issue, find resolution, fuel my inspired creativity, and move forward with grace & ease. Kim is one of the most grounded well balanced coaches that I have worked with, she creates a safe space and container for her work that allowing for healing. From there, it’s an upward journey towards greater possibilities in one’s life and living as a more expanded version of YOU. I recommend Kim without hesitation.❞
Aleesa Daley
Founder, Everyday Happy, Executive Life Coach, Kundalini Instructor & Managing Technology Partner

❝Working with Kim Forcina is a deep journey inward where old hurts & pains can be released and new hopes, dreams, and intentions get created. My time with Kim allowed me to get to the root of my issue, find resolution, fuel my inspired creativity, and move forward with grace & ease. Kim is one of the most grounded well balanced coaches that I have worked with, she creates a safe space and container for her work that allowing for healing. From there, it’s an upward journey towards greater possibilities in one’s life and living as a more expanded version of YOU. I recommend Kim without hesitation.❞
Aleesa Daley
Founder, Everyday Happy, Executive Life Coach, Kundalini Instructor & Managing Technology Partner

❝Kim Forcina is an absolute pleasure to work with. She has an uncanny ability to see who I am at my core, and uses her remarkable insight, intuition, and ability to see the truth to help me heal any areas of my life that need healing. I also feel more confident and secure in every area of my life, and especially in knowing that I can access my own intuition. Because of her encouragement and caring, I’m no longer afraid to let my light shine in the world. She truly is a master!❞
Valentina Galante
Life Coach and Founder, KickAss Joy

❝Kim Forcina is an absolute pleasure to work with. She has an uncanny ability to see who I am at my core, and uses her remarkable insight, intuition, and ability to see the truth to help me heal any areas of my life that need healing. I also feel more confident and secure in every area of my life, and especially in knowing that I can access my own intuition. Because of her encouragement and caring, I’m no longer afraid to let my light shine in the world. She truly is a master!❞
Valentina Galante
Life Coach and Founder, KickAss Joy
❝My entire life has changed (quit my job, and started my own business) and I am continuing into the future with confidence and clarity. I have to say that almost daily now, I am reminded of some tool or technique Kim has taught me and I am able to put it into action for myself. I am no longer drowning in stress, confusion, or blame.
I am able to carry myself through my day and business, with grace and conviction as to who I am, and not be swayed by anyone’s choices but my own. In the past, that would not have been an easy feat for me. It’s no problem now. Thank you, Kim!❞
Christina Ardemis
Ardemis Organizing

❝My entire life has changed (quit my job, and started my own business) and I am continuing into the future with confidence and clarity. I have to say that almost daily now, I am reminded of some tool or technique Kim has taught me and I am able to put it into action for myself. I am no longer drowning in stress, confusion, or blame.
I am able to carry myself through my day and business, with grace and conviction as to who I am, and not be swayed by anyone’s choices but my own. In the past, that would not have been an easy feat for me. It’s no problem now. Thank you, Kim!❞
Christina Ardemis
Ardemis Organizing

❝With Kim’s constant support, wisdom and sound advice, I am building the life of my dreams. Under Kim’s guidance, I have been able to focus on what really feeds my soul and nourishes my spirit.❞
Danielle Coulter
Outdoor Space Happy-Maker and Owner, Collecting Flowers

❝With Kim’s constant support, wisdom and sound advice, I am building the life of my dreams. Under Kim’s guidance, I have been able to focus on what really feeds my soul and nourishes my spirit.❞
Danielle Coulter
Outdoor Space Happy-Maker and Owner, Collecting Flowers
❝Kim is a force to be reckoned with. Her healing skills go far beyond anything I have ever experienced during an energy healing. Her coaching and visualization during the sound healing take it to a completely different level, you will be healed in ways you never thought possible! After the session, I was energized, relieved, and refreshed. I knew that from my cells to all my chakras, I was a new woman! You are truly blessed if you receive a session from Kim and when you do, you will not be disappointed.❞
Chris Y
❝The best way I can describe Kim’s work is that it’s a profound journey back to your own frequency. For me, it felt like I was re-set to my most natural, most powerful state. It allowed me to feel what it is to completely own the space around me in a way I’ve never felt before. She lights the way and then gives you your own flashlight to move forward. Kim is an extremely gifted and generous healer with an intuitive ability to see and work with subtle energies from a holistic approach. It is truly a gift to work with her!❞
Gina L
❝Through the help of Kim’s guided visualization, her innate intuition, energy work, and beautiful talent, she awoke a part of my body and spirit that needed a reawakening, and I wasn’t happy with myself. At first, every inch of my body started to tingle and I felt giddy, like a first kiss. What happened next was undeniable as my upper body started to weigh heavy and I almost felt someone was holding a heavy mask on my face. My body was talking to me. What surfaced for me was years worth of potential therapy. I have felt happier, more alive and awake, and most importantly- more grounded. I am so thankful to Kim for reawakening a part of me that so needed and deserves to be alive.❞
Shawna P