Full Cold Moon ~
The stark stillness and wild storms at this time draws our energy inwards. Full Moon in Cancer with Sun in Capricorn asks us to find the light inside of ourselves while we are in the darker days.

December Full Cold Moon by Rogin Samiljan
The Full Cold Moon may seem like it is plucking out a lonely song of Winter. If you are feeling lonely, seek out the sunshine in the company of others. If you are joyful now, offer your hearth as a place to bring in someone else who is effected by the grey.
Through the blaze of the holidays and questions of what the New Year will bring we are often shown very clear pictures of how we are feeling about our life. Are we in right relations with our family and friends? Do we want to let go of something or create changes in our lives?
The light within us, our warm hearts, can guide us through these days and help keep cold self-judgement at bay. Let Capricorn’s talent for discernment reign, but not turn weakly into a list of mid-guidance.
Use the energy of this Full Moon to practice accessing your warm heart quickly, without waiting for Summer’s endless possibilities or for things to be perfect.
May the prayers you created during the Dark Moon be answered in the light of the Full Moon ~