by Kim | Dec 3, 2012 | Energy Work, Holistic Coaching
The first kaleidoscope I was shown was in 1975. My Mom was on a bowling team and every time she bowled I got dropped off at the bowling alley’s daycare. I hated it there. All the kids seemed to know what to do: play, scream, color, be with each other. And no...
by Kim | Dec 2, 2012 | Art, Energy Work, Holistic Coaching
In 30 days I’ll be 40! It’s here. I can’t believe it. My Mom doesn’t want to believe it. It’s one of those markers that means different things to different people, but somehow we all have our say about what 40 “isâ€. I’ve been running through...
by Kim | Nov 22, 2012 | Holistic Coaching
Each day is here for us to uncover more about ourselves, reach out to each other and unleash more love into the world! We might not get to drop all of our defenses in one day – that can be freaking scary 🙂 But what if we nudge our hearts and ask of ourselves ~...
by Kim | Oct 21, 2012 | Energy Work
The Power of Giving Away ~ This weekend I am doing a “deep clean” in our second bedroom/office/art space/Kim’s closet to get ready for my husband’s parents to stay with us. I won’t scare you with pictures! Now I’m not a huge pack...
by Kim | Sep 18, 2012 | Holistic Coaching
Have you ever timed how long it takes your mind to stop talking to you? It takes me about 10 to 15 minutes ONLY when I am out in nature. When I sit down to meditate there is bigger range of 5 to 30 minutes. If I am working, at home or running around with errands...