by Kim | Dec 12, 2012 | Energy Work
In the past month I’ve begun adding drawing and coloring to my meditation practice. We see this custom throughout the history of art, slipping into a flow and becoming an empty vessel to the creative forces. From cave paintings to the illuminated gospels of...
by Kim | Dec 8, 2012 | Energy Work, Holistic Coaching
I am part of a Circle of women committed to opening up more to the Divine Feminine. These days are an oasis for me. I rejuvenate on every level and crave the sweet silence woven with the sounds of our voices. Unwinding hurt, unveiling strength through learning,...
by Kim | Dec 8, 2012 | Holistic Coaching
Hi! This article came into my email today from Suzanne Monroe and I LOVE IT!!!! I have been delving into my own chemical make up of momentum and creation and trying to find the formula that will help other creative types get their sauce out into the world. As...
by Kim | Dec 6, 2012 | Energy Work, Holistic Coaching
In our lives, magic appears every day. Sometimes we conjure it up intentionally and sometimes, I believe, the Universe conjures it up to surprise us, shake us up or wake us up. Last year, I was in the Grand Canyon for the first time.  Before we arrived and my mind...
by Kim | Dec 4, 2012 | Art, Holistic Coaching
I AM THRILLED to show you my new logo! It was created by Nicky Ovitt, who was absolutely AMAZING to work with. Kaleidoscope Spirit is a pretty difficult image and idea to condense, but she found it and I am so grateful! Nicky really took the time to find out what...